Thursday 14 August 2014

My sea green turyle.

The life cycle of green sea turtle

A green sea turtle can go and explore it life.And it can go and get it food so he can eat next he goes and swim so it can grow it life.Then it goes big and it  goes and get eggs. that when it goes and start a new family. and when the egg hatch and it goes to the sea.And it can go to the sea and eat the.Seaweed then when it get big and it can eat the jellyfish and it can go and get fish and plant and vegetation and dead mammals.  

This is my life cycle of green sea turtle.


Unknown said...

Hi Starlyn, I like the start you have made on your life cycle of a green turtle. You've included many of the things that happen. Can you please re-read it and check that all your sentences start with capital letters.

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